第三节 Begin()实现




// Begin starts a new transaction.
// Multiple read-only transactions can be used concurrently but only one
// write transaction can be used at a time. Starting multiple write transactions
// will cause the calls to block and be serialized until the current write
// transaction finishes.
// Transactions should not be dependent on one another. Opening a read
// transaction and a write transaction in the same goroutine can cause the
// writer to deadlock because the database periodically needs to re-mmap itself
// as it grows and it cannot do that while a read transaction is open.
// If a long running read transaction (for example, a snapshot transaction) is
// needed, you might want to set DB.InitialMmapSize to a large enough value
// to avoid potential blocking of write transaction.
// IMPORTANT: You must close read-only transactions after you are finished or
// else the database will not reclaim old pages.
func (db *DB) Begin(writable bool) (*Tx, error) {
    if writable {
        return db.beginRWTx()
    return db.beginTx()

func (db *DB) beginTx() (*Tx, error) {
    // Lock the meta pages while we initialize the transaction. We obtain
    // the meta lock before the mmap lock because that's the order that the
    // write transaction will obtain them.

    // Obtain a read-only lock on the mmap. When the mmap is remapped it will
    // obtain a write lock so all transactions must finish before it can be
    // remapped.

    // Exit if the database is not open yet.
    if !db.opened {
        return nil, ErrDatabaseNotOpen

    // Create a transaction associated with the database.
    t := &Tx{}

    // Keep track of transaction until it closes.
    db.txs = append(db.txs, t)
    n := len(db.txs)

    // Unlock the meta pages.

    // Update the transaction stats.
    db.stats.OpenTxN = n

    return t, nil

func (db *DB) beginRWTx() (*Tx, error) {
    // If the database was opened with Options.ReadOnly, return an error.
    if db.readOnly {
        return nil, ErrDatabaseReadOnly

    // Obtain writer lock. This is released by the transaction when it closes.
    // This enforces only one writer transaction at a time.

    // Once we have the writer lock then we can lock the meta pages so that
    // we can set up the transaction.
    defer db.metalock.Unlock()

    // Exit if the database is not open yet.
    if !db.opened {
        return nil, ErrDatabaseNotOpen

    // Create a transaction associated with the database.
    t := &Tx{writable: true}
    db.rwtx = t

    // Free any pages associated with closed read-only transactions.
    var minid txid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    // 找到最小的事务id
    for _, t := range db.txs {
        if t.meta.txid < minid {
            minid = t.meta.txid
    if minid > 0 {
        // 将之前事务关联的page全部释放了,因为在只读事务中,没法释放,只读事务的页,因为可能当前的事务已经完成 ,但实际上其他的读事务还在用
        db.freelist.release(minid - 1)

    return t, nil

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